Welcome to the largest WASSCE Syllabus page on the web which has existed since 2015. If you’ve read our definitive guide of over 7000 words on how to pass the WASSCE, you will remember preparing for the exam with the guidance of the WASSCE syllabus is an essential tool set in preparing for the WASSCE.  This page contains the latest (2020/2021) WAEC syllabus for virtually every subject.

It has helped thousands of students reach their academic goals and it’s here to help you.

The best part is that the 2020-2021 WASSCE syllabus for different subjects uploaded here is free and with no hidden costs. We believe that education is the key to self-actualisation and have committed ourselves to ensure that we inspire and support learning.

Have feedback or suggestions? Use the comment section or send us a message and we will get back to you.

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If you’re not interested in reading other important information on this page then use the quick link below to navigate to the section you want to visit.

WASSCE Syllabus Section Quick Link

 In this section, you’ll find the syllabus of every subject Jamb offers. Click on your preferred subject to download the syllabus to your mobile phones, laptops/desktops or view it directly from your browser. They are in PDF formats, so you need to ensure your device has a PDF viewer to enable you to download and view them.

Quick Links To Other Popular And Important WASSCE Prep Pages (Recommended)

We go through great lengths to provide the best resources to every student preparing for the WASSCE and below are some of the ones we recommend.

Importance Of The WASSCE Syllabus

They include:

Prevents Confusion On Policies Relating To A Course

The WASSCE / WAEC syllabus was created by WAEC to ensure a fair and impartial understanding between the instructor and students, such that there is minimal confusion on policies relating to a course.

Provides An Outline Of Topics To Cover Prior To The WASSCE

The WASSCE / WAEC syllabus provides an outline of topics students should cover before they sit for the WASSCE / WAEC exam. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that questions on the WASSCE / WAEC exam would come from every topic on the WAEC syllabus for WASSCE.

Some questions on the WASSCE / WAEC exam may require knowledge of abstract topics.

For example, students who plan to write Elective / Further Mathematics on the WASSCE are required by WAEC to study Trigonometry. However, questions on trigonometry may require knowledge of Algebra from General / core Mathematics.

Keeps Students Up To International Education Standards

The WAEC syllabus also keeps students up to international educational standards.

For example, topics to be covered on the WASSCE / WAEC Chemistry syllabus are similar to those that should be covered on the SAT II Chemistry syllabus. That’s why students who study topics covered on the WASSCE / WAEC Chemistry syllabus can easily attain a high score on the SAT Subject Test on Chemistry.

Helps Prevent Failure

There are many reasons students fail to pass the WASSCE / WAEC exam with good grades. One of these reasons is that they are not aware of every topic they should master prior to the WASSCE / WAEC exam.

It’s worse considering that most textbooks or teachers don’t cover all the topics of the WASSCE / WAEC syllabus for their respective subjects’ states. Some students don’t even have access to WASSCE / WAEC syllabus in their respective schools. It’s like preparing for a war with no idea of the capabilities, tactics, or terrain of your enemy.

Prepare For The Worse

You are not fully prepared for the WASSCE / WAEC exam if you are not conversant with the topics WAEC instructs you should treat before you write the test.

Solving WASSCE past questions is a good thing, at least, we all know that most of what WAEC does is to recycle or repeat old questions. However, they could bring an unpopular question to a future exam so don’t be caught unawares. The WAEC / WASSCE syllabus for different subjects, which we provide on this page is your friend. With it, you’d be aware of topics to cover in your study, so you would be prepared for the worse.

Who Can Use The WAEC Syllabus On This Page?

1). Students from the following Anglophone West African countries can use the WASSCE / WAEC syllabuses for different subjects on this page:

  • Ghana
  • Sierra Leone
  • Liberia
  • The Gambia
  • Nigeria

2). Teachers, parents, and anyone interested in using the syllabuses on this page for research.

WASSCE / WAEC Syllabus By Subject (2020-2021)

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363 Responses

  1. Abdul Karim Kamara says:

    I’m impressed with your work. Kudos!

  2. Offu says:

    That’s good

  3. waec statistics results in Sierra Leone

  4. Kamanda says:

    Hello Giovanni,

    Having gone through your work I discovered that Health Science is absent. I am a little confused and I need clarification please. Is it that what use to be “Health Science” is now “Health Education”?

  5. Kobby says:

    How can we learn since COVID19 has brouth us home now

  6. Kobby says:

    How can we learn since COVID19 has brouth us home now

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