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WASSCE / WAEC Agricultural Science Syllabus
[pdf-embedder url=””]WASSCE / WAEC Agricultural Science preamble
This syllabus has been designed to portray Agricultural Science as an applied science with emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge and skills associated with the content. A general review of the Junior Secondary School Agricultural Science Syllabus is presumed.
Candidates will be expected to answer questions on all the topics set out in the column headed syllabus. The notes therein are intended to indicate the scope of the questions which will be set, but they are not to be considered as an exhaustive list of limitations and illustrations.
Schools must keep school farms where crops are grown with at least one species of livestock from each of the following two groups:
- (i) Pigs, rabbit and poultry.
- (ii) Goat, sheep and cattle and where feasible, fish pond.
The practical notebooks of candidates should contain records of individual activities based on laboratory and individual observations carried out in the school farms, field trips and also records of specimens collected. In order to enhance effective teaching/learning process and better performance by candidates, continuous assessment of candidates is recommended.
Since the main objectives of the Senior Secondary School Agricultural Science syllabus are to:
(i) Stimulate and sustain students’ interest in agriculture,
(ii) Enable students acquire basic knowledge and practical skills to prepare them for further studies and occupation in agriculture. It is recommended that the study of Agriculture Science in the Senior Secondary School be supplemented by visits to well established government and private experimental and commercial farms, agricultural research institutes and other institutions related to agriculture.
WASSCE / WAEC Agricultural Science examination scheme
There will be two papers both of which must be taken.
Paper 1
This will be a 1½ hour practical paper with a total score of 60 marks. This paper will consist of four questions all of which must be answered. This will be for school candidates only.
Paper 2
This will be a 3-hour theory paper consisting of two parts:
Part I
This will consist of sixty (60) multiple choice objective questions with a total score of 60 marks and of 1 hour duration.
Part II
Part II will consist of ten essay-type questions contained in five sections, A,B,C, D, and E. There will be two questions in each section.
Section A will contain questions drawn from Basic Concepts and Farm Mechanization, while questions contained in Sections B, C, D and E will be drawn from Agricultural Ecology, Crop Production, Animal Production and Agricultural Economics and Extension respectively.
Candidates will be required to answer one question from each section. Each question carries a score of 16 marks. Thus, the total score for Part II will be 80 marks. The duration is 2 hours.
Paper 3
This will be a Test of Practical as an alternative to practical for private candidates only. The paper will consist of four questions for 1½ hours duration and carries 60 marks.
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Agricultural Science WASSCE / WAEC syllabus
i also need online teaching and topics for 2019&2020 wassce exam
all information
I suggest you refer to our WASSCE Syllabus page( Best wishes.
I need updates on
Social studies
Intergrated science
Animal husbandry
General agriculture
I want the WASSCE syllabus for all subjects (2017_2020)
Check our WASSCE Syllabus page. Cheers.
i will like to have updates on subjects like English,government,history,economics and agriculture because am attemting this 2019 government wasce in sierra leone
i want to have an update on the following Subject
1, Agriculture
2, Literature
3, Government
4, Biology
5, Christian Religious Service (CRS)
6, Economics
7,Management in Living
8, English
I’m not sure what you need exactly. 🙂