It’s important to read the information on this page, but if you want to download / view the WASSCE / WAEC Biology Syllabus straight away, just click the link below:
The topics, contents and notes are intended to indicate the scope of the questions which will be set. Do not consider the notes to be an exhaustive list of illustrations / limitations.
This syllabus is not intended to be used as a teaching syllabus. Teachers are advised to use their own National teaching syllabuses or curricular for that purpose.
Aims Of the Core / General Mathematics Syllabus
The aims of the syllabus are to test candidates’:
- Mathematical competency and computational skills;
- Understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;
- Ability to translate problems into mathematical language and solve them using appropriate methods;
- Ability to be accurate to a degree relevant to the problem at hand;
logical, abstract and precise thinking.
Scheme of the Core / General Maths Examination
There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken.
Paper 1:
Will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions, drawn from the common areas of the syllabus, to be answered in 1½ hours for 50 marks.
Paper 2:
This will consist of 13 essay questions in 2 sections — Sections A and B. These questions are to be answered in 2½ hours for 100 marks. Candidates will be required to answer 10 questions in all.
Section A:
Section A will consist of 5 compulsory questions, elementary in nature. Questions in this section carry a total of 40 marks.
The questions will be drawn from the common areas of the syllabus.
Section B:
This section will consist of 8 questions of greater length, and difficulty. The questions shall include a maximum of 2 questions which shall be drawn from parts of the syllabuses which may not be peculiar to candidate’s home country. Candidates will be expected to answer 5 questions for 60marks.
Which topics always comes in core mathematics
It’s hard to say. It’s best to cover the topics in the recent syllabus and you should be fine.
Please what topics are the 13 questions, and the paper one are we to solve in 1½ hours because some questions need to be critically calculated
I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Please elaborate. Cheers.
I am happy to be here and I am here to learn
Welcome. I’m sure you’d learn a lot. I suggest you read my guide on how to pass the WASSCE ( Best wishes.
Please we need the topics of the 2020 syllabus
Coming soon.
Please what topics made up to the 13 question on core maths
Please how is the essay part(core mathematics) rounded down
I’m not sure what you mean Stephen Okyere, please explain.
Please i need help on the major differences between the teaching syllabus and that of the WAEC syllabus on core MA maths.
They’re very similar. The teaching syllabus serves as a guide for teachers to use in preparing for the WASSCE. So you can use both to help you prepare for the WASSCE. Best wishes.