It’s important to read the information on this page, but if you want to download / view the WASSCE / WAEC Biology Syllabus straight away, just click the link below:
The topics, contents and notes are intended to indicate the scope of the questions which will be set. Do not consider the notes to be an exhaustive list of illustrations / limitations.
This syllabus is not intended to be used as a teaching syllabus. Teachers are advised to use their own National teaching syllabuses or curricular for that purpose.
Aims Of the Core / General Mathematics Syllabus
The aims of the syllabus are to test candidates’:
- Mathematical competency and computational skills;
- Understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;
- Ability to translate problems into mathematical language and solve them using appropriate methods;
- Ability to be accurate to a degree relevant to the problem at hand;
logical, abstract and precise thinking.
Scheme of the Core / General Maths Examination
There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken.
Paper 1:
Will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions, drawn from the common areas of the syllabus, to be answered in 1½ hours for 50 marks.
Paper 2:
This will consist of 13 essay questions in 2 sections — Sections A and B. These questions are to be answered in 2½ hours for 100 marks. Candidates will be required to answer 10 questions in all.
Section A:
Section A will consist of 5 compulsory questions, elementary in nature. Questions in this section carry a total of 40 marks.
The questions will be drawn from the common areas of the syllabus.
Section B:
This section will consist of 8 questions of greater length, and difficulty. The questions shall include a maximum of 2 questions which shall be drawn from parts of the syllabuses which may not be peculiar to candidate’s home country. Candidates will be expected to answer 5 questions for 60marks.
Great ideas
Your website is very good,I to want pass my wassce with flying colours
You’re welcome, thank you! Wishing you the best! : )
am not seeing any syllabus
how will this be like ?
Pls I want to know how they set the General math question. (Areas)
Please when are we getting 2018/2019 core mathematics syllabus