The SAT To Be Restructured

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The big SAT exam which was first administered in 1926 would be redesigned by the College Board which calls it an ambitious ‘’effort’’ to ‘’better meet’’ the needs of students and colleges or universities.

SAT image

Last year and for the first time, the SAT lost its designation as the most popular college admission exam to the ACT, by a margin of a few thousand students. This history came to place even after it changed the format of the SAT less than a decade ago. These changes include the adding of the essay section and the changing of some question formats.

David Coleman, the new president of the College Board in a recent speech at the Brookings Institution, said he has several problems with the SAT as at now written, including its essay and vocabulary questions format.

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Giovanni O.C Olakunori

Giovanni Chinecherem Olakunle Olakunori(commonly known as Giovanni Olakunori) is an aspiring data scientist at heart, business developer and educator with a deep interest in ancient philosophy, healthy living, and developing economies. He’s the founder of LarnEdu, a community that inspires and supports lifelong learning especially in underdeveloped nations. He currently lives in the UK after living in 4 other countries across Europe and Africa. You can read more about him or follow him on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to see his public posts about how much he loves hot Kenkey and Jolof rice.

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