New SAT Question Of The Day Archive / Compilation

Welcome to the best College Board SAT question of the day archive on the web.

We save every question, answer, and hint as they come-on our server. That is one of the things that makes us different from the rest.

You can start practicing write away. Good luck!

Hit the start button.

[/raw] Well, you might think: “what’s the big deal with this new SAT question of the day archive?”

The big deal is, the questions on our SAT question of the day archive / compilation are not mare questions. They are set by the College Board, the administers of the SAT test.

So the questions you would see here would likely be similar to the ones you’d see on a real SAT reasoning test.

You can scroll down to read more about the immerse benefits.


  • The answer for each question on this College Board new SAT question of the day archive / compilation will be shown after you have made your choice.
  • Do not cheat. You would only be deceiving yourself if you do so. The questions on this College Board SAT question of the day archive / compilation is meant to test you in numerous topics tested on the SAT Reasoning test. This would enable you to identify your weak points.
  • Take note of the strange questions or vocabulary you come across on this College Board new SAT question of the day archive / compilation.
    Remember, it is the College Board that administers the SAT. So the vocabulary you encounter on this test may be similar to the one you’d encounter on the actual test.
  • The questions on this College Board new SAT question of the day archive / compilation are not grouped by dates, or by section.
  • Not all questions on this College Board SAT question of the day archive / compilation include hints. However, most questions added from January 2015 do have hints.
  • Our SAT question of the day archive / compilation would be updated regularly. Precisely, every 2-3 days.
  • Contact us if you experience any problem on the test.

About the SAT Question of the day

The College Board SAT question of the day is a random multiple choice question set by the College Board. It could be a question from the Mathematics, Critical Reading or Writing section of the SAT Reasoning test.

The College board SAT question of the day is meant to prepare students for the SAT Reasoning test. It is meant to give students a picture of what the actual SAT Reasoning test questions look like.

The College Board used to send the SAT question of the day to emails of students that subscribe for their free service. However, this stopped on the 19th of August 2013. The reason according to the quote below is that they were developing new digital resources.

Dear Subscriber,
We hope The Official SAT Question of the Dayâ„¢ has been an engaging and successful part of your SAT® practice plan. We are developing new digital student resources, and the SAT Question of the Day daily email has been discontinued.
However, we will continue to offer easy access to this resource on Twitter (@SATQuestion) or via a free mobile app for iPhone and iPod…


Why we keep a College Board new SAT question of the day archive / compilation

The College Board only makes the last 30 questions available on its website. We believe that is not enough.

We wanted a larger archive. We wanted something better, and we decided to create a SAT question of the day archive / compilation.

Special facts about our College Board SAT question of the day archive / Compilation

Questions in our College Board SAT question of the day archive are set by those that set actual SAT questions.

What this means

You would have the opportunity to be exposed to vocabulary that could easily be on an actual SAT test. Moreover, we’ve made your work easier-we have arranged a College Board SAT words list (coming soon).

There is a high possibility that the questions you would encounter on our College Board new SAT question of the day archive / compilation may be similar to the one you would encounter an actual SAT test.

About the College Board

The College Board is a “non-profit” organization that was formed in 1900 as the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). The College Board is in charge of administering the SAT and other similar tests.

The College Board also provides resources to be used by students in preparation for the SAT. One of these resources is the College Board SAT question of the day.


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This page was last updated on the 3rd of January 2016.



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